Given the modified arrangement on the conduct of the Cost-Benefit Analysis of the SFM Bill, the SFFI’s PMT informed Dr. Margaret Calderon and Dr. Canesio Predo on the acceptance of their offered assistance with budget PhP300,000 for 60 person-days. Said experts/resource persons submitted their proposed Work Plan January 14, 2021 after two meetings and email exchanges on related matters and documents.
A virtual meeting with the experts was conducted on February 1, 2020 to level off on the conduct of the CBA and to discuss the schedule and data required. During the meeting, it was decided to have a meeting with the Forest Management Bureau (FMB) to seek their commitments in providing available data for the study.
The face-to-face meeting between SFFI’s PMT, the CBA experts and representatives from the FMB, was conducted on February 11, 2021. After the levelling-off process, the FMB signified its commitment to provide data as input to the CBA activity. The SFFI and the CBA Experts have committed to submit a formal request to the FMB (and BMB or Biodiversity Management Bureau) with regard to data, files, and information being requested. FMB Representatives shared that they are fully supportive of this undertaking and committed to have this pushed to the incoming FMB Director. Highlight of discussion were documented through the minutes of meeting (See Annex 33)
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