During the Project duration, there were a total of 13 consultation activities conducted: (i.e., review of filed Bills, policy dialogues, Bill roll-outs, and workshops where a total of 537 individuals participated coming from 18 organizations. However, only the participants from the SFM Bill Finalization Workshop has sufficiently submitted evaluation sheets. Based on the evaluation, the activity is rated as 4.6 overall: 4.6 content, 4.3 methodology, 4.6 and logistics with the rating of “5” being the highest. The SFFI recognizes the importance of this activity and will certainly be including this in future improvements in conducting activities.
Activities are organized and conducted primarily by the SFFI with participation from DENR, civil society organizations, people’s organizations, academe, research institutions, and other government agencies. All the seven SFM Bill roll-out activities, are done in partnership with the concerned SFFI Regional Councils and their counterpart DENR Regional Offices while the six other consultation activities (reviews, policy dialogues, Bill finalizations, and strategic planning workshop) were held with the participation of DENR, NGOs, and other stakeholders. In all activities, visual materials such as tarpaulins, communication materials (letters, presentations, and audio-video presentations), programs of activities, and other informative materials were posted in the SFFI website and social media links. The SFFI likewise recognizes the importance of this medium and intends to continuously utilize this in its future activities relating to the advocacy on SFM and the passage of the corresponding Bill.
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